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  • A distilled and shareable representation of a concept

  • A way to explore more deeply how a concept might work



When you have initial ideas that have potential, it is useful to add detail and contextualise them so you can understand in more depth what is valuable about the concept and how it might work.

This tool allows you to share ideas and think more deeply about their pros and cons.

  1. Define the key features of the concept.

  2. Create a 'hero image' that depicts the moment where the concept has the biggest value for someone and how.

  3. Synthesise a clear description of the concept and then create a name and tagline.

good sequence

Multi-Stakeholder Ideation > Concept Capture > Prioritisation Matrix


  • Work quickly and use the tool to make several of your ideas and compare

  • You may find ideas begin to overlap as you explore how they might work in practice in a little more depth

  • This tool is designed to help you share a concept, so use it to gain multiple perspectives from people, including as many diverse perspectives as you can

  • Depending on the nature of your project it can also be a good idea to share these concepts with your project partners



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