

A range of ideas for new systems and business models that might tackle your issue using collaborating stakeholders.



Conceiving ideas for systems that involve multiple stakeholders can be challenging because it is not always apparent how the solution for one stakeholder can benefit another. This tool breaks down these tasks, asking you to create solutions with just one stakeholder in mind and then rebuild the solution considering and capturing how it benefits someone else.

  1. Starting Stakeholder: Choose any stakeholder who is affected by the issue you are focussing on. It can be useful to try different people or organisations.

  2. Their needs: List their broad needs, not just relating to your main issue, so you can empathise with their whole experience and put yourself in their shoes (this opens up opportunities for more solutions).

  3. Their solutions: In the solution circles, ideate how they would solve your issue for themselves, considering just their interests.

  4. Other beneficiaries: In the connected circles, write who else could benefit from the solution.

  5. Reconfigure and Develop: Where you find a solution that has strong benefits for two or more stakeholders, reconfigure and develop the ideas considering what stakeholders could give to, and get from the solution, in a new reciprocal model.


good sequence

Persona > Multi-Stakeholder Ideation > Concept Capture


  • Ideally work with a group of diverse collaborators

  • Create a safe, fun environment where participants don't fear making mistakes and are encouraged to create lots of wild ideas

  • Be visual wherever possible

  • Build on ideas rather than criticise

  • Stay focussed on the topic

  • Repeat this tool with different starting stakeholders

  • To move forward, prioritise the best ideas and see what elements can be merged together

  • If you need some ways to prioritise your statements, try voting or using the evaluation matrix



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