

  • A better understanding of how users interact with digital interfaces in your product/service offering.

  • A series of rough sketches to serve as a starting point to create high fidelity digital interfaces.

  • A way to share a concept with other people and get feedback



Wireframes help you quickly visualise any digital interface in your solution’s user journey. They can be quick and low fidelity to convey simple functionality or they can be detailed and accurate but either way they help you consider how a concept will work and offer a way to communicate and test your concept with other people.

  1. Plan what you want to prototype: Start by determining what you want to prototype. It doesn’t have to be the entire product/service experience. You can also choose to prototype certain aspects or features.

  2. Prepare wireframes: Print out the wire framing canvas and sketch rough versions of various screens. Be mindful of how these will be used on different devices such as phones, desktops or tablets.

  3. Receive feedback: Introduce the context and wireframes to a selected group of users. Capture their thoughts and build them into the refinements you make.


good sequence

Concept Capture > Storyboard > Wireframes > Blueprint


  • At this stage, leave out visual elements like colours and fonts. Maintain your focus on who interacts with the interface, what they need, how they interact and what kind of information is presented to them.

  • Combine the storyboarding and wireframing tool to add more detail to your depiction of the digital elements of someone experience..


