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  • A clear definition of the most important features of your offering by understanding how you address user pains and gains

  • A robust understanding of your Product-Market fit



The Value Proposition Canvas is a tool that helps you understand how your proposed product/service relieves pains and creates gains. It is a great way to analyse if your user’s needs match your product/service offerings. The Value Proposition Canvas is composed of two parts - the User Profile and the Value Map.

  1. Fill out the User Profile: Describe the jobs your users want done. They can be functional, emotional, or social. Write about the pains that are hindrances to getting jobs done. These could be dissatisfactions with current product offerings, frustrations or risks. Highlight user gains that are positive outcomes of a job. These could be aspirations, motivations or more measurable outcomes and benefits.

  2. Elaborate the Value Map: Start by listing the products and services you plan to offer. Outline how these are pain relievers by describing how you aim to eliminate frustrations and challenges faced by your users. List your gain creators and highlight how you aim to drive the impact users care about.

  3. Analyse the fit: Try to establish a clear connection between the user profiles and value map by matching pain relievers and gain creators with user pains and gains. A successful value proposition will target the essential jobs, pains and gains through its products and services.


good sequence

Concept Capture > Value Proposition Canvas > Business Model Canvas


  • A Value Proposition can still fail if it isn’t supported by a robust Business Model. Strive to balance both these aspects to deliver successful solutions