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An alternative perspective of what value others might see in the concept and how it might be communicated and explained to a broad audience.



When you have ideas you think have potential, it is useful to add detail and contextualise them so you begin to understand how they might work in more depth, what value they have and what risks they might carry.

To use this tool, simply consider some ways your concept might be celebrated in a headline article of a newspaper and then create a rough draft of what that article might contain. Write a headline, tagline, choose or make an image, fabricate quotes about it, and if you can, write some detail about what the story would cover.


good sequence

Alternative Worlds > Newspaper Headline Tool > Prioritisation Matrix


  • Ideally work with a group of diverse collaborators

  • Create a safe, fun environment where participants don't fear making mistakes

  • Draft a few different stories or headlines about the concept before starting

  • It can also be interesting to think about the different journals that might publish stories about your concept and how the story would be covered (perhaps not always in a positive way.)

  • This can help you compare ideas so do this with multiple concepts



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