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  • Several new ideas that aim to solve your targeted problem

  • Emerging themes and design directions for further development



Crazy 8 is a tool to help you move beyond the first ideas you have, and challenge yourself to to develop a wide variety of solutions. The tool encourages you to come up with the whackiest, most creative ideas, and not get hung up on their practicality. This breadth of original ideas means you don't miss any opportunities before you move on to develop concepts more pragmatically.

  1. Set up materials: Take a sheet of paper and fold it into eight sections. Use each of these sections for individual ideas.

  2. Start sketching: Set a timer for 8 minutes and start drawing individual ideas in each section. Ideally, spend 1 minute on each idea. Remember, these are rough sketches and do not have to be perfect - they just need to convey your idea.

  3. Reflect: Analyse your ideas to identify the most promising solutions to develop further.

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good sequence

HMW Statement > Crazy 8s & Brainstorming > Multi-Stakeholder Ideation


  • Crazy 8s and Brainstorming often work best while working in teams. Ideate individually, discuss your ideas and build upon each others ideas to identify themes and starting points for further development. This tool is a great way to support individual thinking and give everyone an opportunity to share their thinking.

  • You can use this as a Co-creation tool to get users and stakeholders to collectively ideate on the design challenge.

  • There will be times in your design process where ideas are running dry and you feel stuck. Use this tool to push yourself to think creatively in a limited time frame.

  • Aim for quantity over quality. Put down any idea that comes to you and try not to be judgemental about your ideas at this stage. Remember, no idea is a bad idea.