card sorting-52.jpg


A sequence of elements and features you can prioritise in your design.



Card sorting is a quick way of validating your product features and sparking a conversation with users about what matters to them and why. It is particularly helpful when you’re trying to understand which product features you must focus on.

  1. Plan: Craft your cards using images or words. These could be concrete product features or more abstract ideas.

  2. Start conversations: Give the cards to your users and ask them to arrange these according to what they see as most valuable. Follow up with questions to have deeper conversations about their priorities.

  3. Probe deeper: Another way to gain more insight is to pose different scenarios to the users. Ask them which features they would prioritise if they were disabled, were older or owned a competitor product.


good sequence

Alternative Worlds > Concept Capture > Card Sorting


  • Once you have tried sorting features, try using cards that describe the outcomes of the features and see how those are prioritised. Then if there are conflicts you can understand more about why certain features are valued

  • As you conduct the experiment avoid creating bias by refraining from sharing any of your own personal preferences and by assuring them criticism is welcomed