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  • Deeper understanding of the experience of the product or service

  • Areas for improvement on your overall idea or specific user scenarios.



Rapid Prototypes are a quick and easy way to present your idea to a group of users and gather some initial feedback. Even though it does not require the creation of high fidelity assets, it is a great way for users to visualise how they would interact with your offering in the real world.

  1. Plan your prototyping and assign roles: Decide which idea you wish to act out and what aspects of the interaction you want to prototype. Gather your team and assign roles to each member.

  2. Create Props: Collect or build props that can help enact the experience.

  3. Present your idea: Act out the scenario to a group of users or relevant stakeholders.

  4. Gather feedback: This is a great opportunity for you to understand any shortcomings in your idea and improve areas that might have been overlooked.

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good sequence

Storyboard > Rapid Prototypes > Blueprint


  • While props are not necessary, they are highly effective in bringing your ideas to life by enabling your audience to better visualise the story and characters.

  • Don't just focus on the functional aspects of your idea, but also the emotional aspects. What does the user think and feel as they interact with your product? How do they behave in particular scenarios?

  • The closer you can make the role play activity to the true conditions of the service the more meaningful your findings will be.

  • Try out different variations of the experience

  • While rapid prototyping can be quick and low fidelity, it can also be carefully planned and meticulously constructed to simulate the service or product as closely as possible.