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Gain a clear understanding of the purpose of the research you are conducting and how to best approach it.



The research canvas helps you to get a birds-eye perspective on your project by allowing you to organise all of your ideas and questions onto a single page before conducting research. This allows you to understand the context and objectives of your research early on, to identify what you already know and what you expect to learn from your research, and to help plan how you’re actually going to conduct this research. By clearly outlining the research scope and focus areas, you are able to understand the purpose of the research early on to ensure that it stays meaningful and has clear metrics.

The canvas is split up into nine building blocks that allow you to easily identify connections between moving parts of your project. While the building blocks are presented in a sequence, filling in the canvas is an iterative process that can be done in any order and adapted over time.

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Briefing > Research Canvas > Conduct research


  • While there is no set order to filling in the canvas, it might be helpful to first understand the context of the topic to identify the objectives of your research if you aren’t sure where to start. This can mean using the stakeholder map tool, doing desk research or even interviews to get a good backdrop of knowledge

  • Doing this activity with some carefully selected project partners can help you share a perspective of the scope of the project



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