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Determine what your user or customer hopes to accomplish and how you can best help them achieve it.



People buy products and services to get a “job" done, and this tool helps you to better understand what exactly your user is trying to accomplish. This allows you to create solutions that help your user more effectively, which ultimately can make the product or service more successful.

This tool helps you to clarify the causality in their actions or intended actions and clarify what their pains (or barriers), are and what they gain if they can complete their intended job.

  1. Who this is for: Firstly, identify which persona you will be focussing.

  2. Identify when: Identify a particular context or condition that needs to arise for the problem to exist for this particular user.

  3. Identify the jobs they need to do: In the 'I want to...' box, detail what it is they want to do.

  4. Identify why: In the 'So that I can...' box, detail why it is they want to do this job. Feel free to write multiple statements in this space or repeat the exercise if there are many 'jobs to be done'.

good sequence

Persona > Jobs to be Done > Alternative Worlds


  • Avoid using too many details in each persona that are not relevant to the context of the problem, as they could be misleading

  • However, include enough elements so you are able to picture who this persona represents

  • Avoid stereotypes and stock imagery. If you feel uncomfortable showing your persona to the actual people it represents, then it may not be a fair representation

  • It can be very helpful to arrange your personas into quadrants based on particular attributes that you find significant. In this way you can identify more accurately the users you are targeting or even what transformation you hope to help them with



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