• A clear demonstration of the ways in which your capabilities can contribute to global issues

  • Starting points for project briefs



It can seem impossible to know where to start when trying to consider the ways in which a singular project can contribute to a global issue. All these global issues are systemic in nature and highly complex - so, how can you contribute? The Global Shifts Tool helps you identify the movements associated with the issues and then from there helps you locate your place within them as a starting point for your contribution.

1. What's important to you: Describe the big issues that are important to you and spread them around the outer circle,

2. Identify the movements: In the next ring in, define the movements that are working to solve those issues

3. Find connections: In the centre circle, think about what connects you to those movements considering your skills, passions, values, networks, expertise and so on. Use these connections to consider starting points that you could use to frame the starting point of a project

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  • When thinking about the global issues facing humanity, don't forget to think about them through your own lens of what is important to you. You will be more successful if you are passionate about a cause

  • When considering the movements that are working to solve some of those issues, it's also fine to consider smaller movements that are only working on small elements of the issue. There are no silver bullet solutions to these issues - they will all need to be broken into smaller pieces

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