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Create a comprehensive view of all the possibilities and evaluate their importance based on what is critical to you.



This simple evaluation tool gives you a framework to decide what types of success are most relevant to your project and then prioritise your strategies against them.

  1. Choose criteria: Decide which two criteria are most important to your project, for instance: Publicity, Speed of Implementation or Sustainability.

  2. Label: Then label each axis, for instance, high and low publicity from the project on the horizontal axis, and highly sustainable and unsustainable on the vertical axis.

  3. Horizontal Criteria: Take all your concepts and place them level on the horizontal axis depending on how they perform against that criteria, for example, in order of how much publicity the project will get.

  4. Vertical Criteria: Then, keeping each one in its horizontal position, move the concepts up or down depending on how they perform against that criteria, for example, depending on the level of sustainability.


good sequence

Reframing Canvas > Evaluation Matrix > HMW Statement


  • Ideally work with a group of diverse collaborators to get a balanced perspective and avoid bias

  • Involving your end users here is a great way to validate your approach (if your success factors relate to them)

  • Always try to consider success in terms of the user value and environmental value as well as any other aspects

  • You can do this multiple times using as may success factors as you like

  • If you want to be more rigorous, consider breaking down each criteria into categories and scoring each concept based on that, before placing them on the matrix. For instance, the sustainability of each concept could be considered in terms of material use, energy use, air miles etc.



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