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  • A stronger understanding of the environmental needs of areas and ecosystems connected to your problem

  • A way to keep focus on this throughout the project



Using a normal persona tool helps you to step ‘out of yourself’ and really understand who you're designing for by recognising your user's needs, habits, experiences, behaviours and goals. With this tool, you are asked to step even further ‘out of yourself’ to consider more wholly the needs and behaviours of the environment.

The tool helps give you a common language about specific environmental contexts and ultimately helps guide your whole process by keeping the environment in mind as a priority throughout.

  1. Choose the environment: When you understand the problem, think of the ways you can define a specific environment that is connected to the problem. Does the problem happen in a specific location, does it influence an environmental or ecosystem function? Use these distinctions to describe the area of your environment persona.

  2. Form your persona: Collect and synthesise information about the environmental area you have chosen answering the questions on the tool.



  • Although it may seem a little juvenile, go along with the process. This framing still requires you to think more deeply about the nature of the environment you are operating in and hopefully bring about more responsible or ecologically positive interventions

  • This tool is particularly useful when the environment is not the direct focus of your product or service.



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