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Empathise with your users by really understanding who they are and what they need



Empathy maps help you to gain a deeper insight into who your users are by identifying what they say, think, do, and feel. After you have conducted an interview, fill out each section of the quadrant. Make sure all of the existing knowledge you have is mapped out properly in order to identify any missing information.


good sequence

Interview > Empathy Map > Observation Canvas

Other Names



  • Be on the lookout for contradictions in what they say and what they do

  • People may not feel comfortable explaining how they really feel, think or do, or they may simply not really be aware

  • Contradictions are often a sign of an unmet need, so some further investigation in a sensitive manner can often be rewarding

  • Using the 5 Whys to dig deeper is a good strategy to fill this tool with rich material



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